Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Efficient Market Hypothesis and Market Behaviour Essay

Efficient Market Hypothesis and Market Behaviour - Essay Example In fact, market prices are frequently nonsensical† (Warren 1984, p17). This statement was made by Warren Buffett in reference to security prices and how they cannot be determined by individuals. To Buffett, market prices often do not make sense, and therefore he argues that financial experts should not dwell on the stocks themselves, but on stock pickers and investors who frequently determine market indices. However, the Efficient Market Hypothesis offers a totally contrasting view to the issue of market indices. The Efficient Market Hypothesis is a financial theory that affirms that it is not possible to ‘beat the market’ since financial markets are believed to be infomationally efficient. In other words, the theory asserts that efficiency in the stock market normally leads to a clear reflection of relevant information on the existing share prices. According to the EMH theory, stocks will normally trade at their fair value on the market, which would make it imposs ible for traders to buy undervalued stocks or sell them at inflated prices.  As such, it would not be possible to do better than the overall market through market timing or even professional stock selection. If an investor wants to obtain higher returns he would have to purchase riskier investments. Believers of the efficient market hypothesis argue that there is no need to look for undervalued stocks or try and predict trends in the stock market through technical or fundamental analysis. Tenets of Efficient Market Hypothesis EMH was a financial theory developed by Eugene Fama in the 1960s. In his 1965 paper, Fama noted that â€Å"on the average, competition will cause the full effects of new information on intrinsic values to be reflected instantaneously in actual prices† (Fama 1970, p386) According to the efficient market hypothesis, when one buys and sells securities, they are not using skill, rather, they are â€Å"engaging in a game of chance†. EMH was widely ac cepted until behavioural finances became mainstream in the 1990s according to Hebner (2007). There are different aspects of what should constitute an efficient market and it all depends on the kind of information that is available (Desai 2011). These aspects are grouped into the three forms of the efficient market hypothesis: the weak form, the semi-strong form and the strong form (Fama 1970). The Forms of Efficient Markets The weak form of EMH asserts that historical market prices and data or information are reflected fully in securities prices (Fama 1970). This implies that technical analysis is not useful at all. Analyzing prices from the past according to this form cannot be used to predict future prices. This means that investment strategies that are based on past share prices and data cannot be used to earn excess returns in the long run (Jung and Shiller 2005). What this implies is that if stock prices are random, then it is not possible to use past prices to foretell future ones. In the weak form of efficient markets, information arrives randomly, thereby making stock price changes to occur randomly. Most financial research supports the view that financial markets are weak. The semi-strong form of efficient markets asserts that securities prices reflect any publicly available information as well as future expectations (Fama 1970). If this is the case, then

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Gel Electrophoresis In Analysis Of Sickle Cell Genes

Gel Electrophoresis In Analysis Of Sickle Cell Genes This experiment was carried out in order to outline a scheme for the investigation of Sickle Cell Gene Analysis and to understand and carry out the agarose gel electrophoresis. Besides that, the importance of restriction enzyme and the mechanism of the enzyme in separating the specific amino acid sequence were completely understood. The fragment bands observed on the gel electrophoresis from the experiment results was interpreted and understood. The controls (tube A-C) and 3 DNA samples [tube D (Mother), E (Unborn Child), F (Father)] which was amplified and digested with the MST 11 enzyme was analysed for the sickle cell genes using gel electrophoresis. Once the electrophoresis apparatus and the gel were prepared, the controls and the samples were loaded consecutively into the respective wells. The power source was set at 125V and left to run for 30 minutes. Following that, the gel was then stained using the Ethidium Bromide staining card. The gel was left to stain for 15 to 20 minut es and was later observed under a UV Transilluminator. Tube B (control), D (Mother) and F (Father) was heterozygous for Sickle Cell Disease, Hb AS whereas tube E (Unborn child) was homozygous for Sickle Cell Disease, Hb SS. Sickle Cell gene analysis is essential for reasons such as preparation of financial source to carry out treatment for the child if the child appears to be Hb SS. Treatments such as bone marrow transplantation and blood transfusion can be done to manage and treat Sickle Cell Disease children. Introduction Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder, characterized by the presence of sickle shaped red blood cells (Figure 1) (Wun and Hassell, 2009) (Oniyangi and Omari, 2006) (Stuart and Nagel, 2004). Normal healthy individuals carries 3 main haemoglobins; Haemoglobin A (Hb A), Haemoglobin A2 (Hb A2) and Haemoglobin F (Hb F) (Wood et al, 1976). In Hb A, the glutamic acid (GAG) is situated on the 6th position of the ÃŽ ²- globin chain. Mutation of a single nucleotide (GAG to GTG) (Pan et al, 2007) (Stuart and Nagel, 2004) which takes place in the 6th position of the ÃŽ ²- globin chain (Figure 2) (Wun and Hassell, 2009) (Cleon et al, 2009) of Hb A results in the formation of Haemoglobin S (Hb S) which causes SCD (Pan et al, 2007) (Cleon et al, 2009) (Stuart and Nagel, 2004). The acidic (negative charged) glutamic acid is replaced by the polar (neutral) valine (Frenette and Atweh, 2007) (Cleon et al, 2009) (Stuart and Nagel, 2004). Sickle cell genes (autosomal recessive) are inherited from the parents (Figure 3) (Frenette and Atweh, 2007) (Wun and Hassell, 2009). One copy of gene are passed down from each parent to the fetus, therefore, a fetus will have 2 copies of genes to make the ÃŽ ²- globin. Heterozygous SCD patients (carriers) (Hb AS) had inherited 1 copy of normal gene and 1 copy of defective gene whereas homozygous SCD patients (Hb SS) had inherited 2 copies of defective genes (Frenette and Atweh, 2007) (Makani et al, 2010) (Oniyangi and Omari, 2006). The amount of defective genes in heterozygous patients is insufficient to cause symptoms because they have a proportion of normal genes as well. (Makani et al, 2010). Therefore, most SCD carriers are unaware of the presence of Hb S in them. Homozygous SCD patients has insufficient normal genes; therefore symptoms of SCD are clearly demonstrated by them (Makani et al, 2010) (Oniyangi and Omari, 2006). The image shows how sickle cell genes are inherited. A person inherits two copies of the hemoglobin gene-one from each parent. A normal gene will make normal hemoglobin (A). An abnormal (sickle cell) gene will make abnormal hemoglobin (S). When each parent has a normal gene and an abnormal gene, each child has: a 25 percent chance of inheriting two normal genes; a 50 percent chance of inheriting one normal gene and one abnormal gene; and a 25 percent chance of inheriting two abnormal genes. If both parents are carriers for SCD, the child has a 50% chance of being carriers, 25% chance of being homozygous for SCD and 25% chance of having 2 copies of normal genes (National Blood, Lung and Heart Institute). Sickle Cell gene analysis is an important screening test for a married couple. The fetus should be screened for SCD if one parent is a carrier for SCD (Tshilolo et al, 2008) (Streetly et al, 2009). It is important to ensure whether the child is heterozygous or homozygous for SCD for reasons such as financial preparation for treatment of the child (if child is homozygous for SCD) (Streetly et al, 2009) (Tshilolo et al, 2008). Sickle Cell gene analysis can be done using gel electrophoresis. The Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sample can be obtained from white blood cells (in adults) and from the amniocentesis fluid (in fetus). The samples can then be amplified with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) (Rahimi et al, 2008) (Bruzzone et al, 2008). PCR produces copies of DNA which had been obtained from a small sample, to ensure the amount of sample is sufficient for the SCD gene analysis (Bruzzone et al, 2008) (VanGuilder et al, 2008). The multiplied DNA sample will then be digested with a restriction enzyme (Sasnauskas et al, 2007) (Rahimi et al, 2008), for instance MST 11. This enzyme recognizes the CCT-GAG-G sequence of the amino acid on the ÃŽ ²- globin and will bind to cleave (cut) that DNA strand which it recognizes (Figure 4). Due to the substitution of amino acid in SCD (CCT-GTG-G), the MST 11 enzyme cannot recognize that mutated sequence so therefore, will not cut that mutated DNA strand (Sasnauskas et al, 2007). As a result, the normal genes will be cut by the enzyme and will become short fragments whereas the sickle cell genes will be an uncleaved long fragment. The DNA from a normal individual (Hb AA), SCD carrier (Hb AS), and SCD homozygous individuals (Hb SS) produces fragments of different sizes and lengths (Rahimi et al, 2008) after digested with the restriction enzyme. Figure 4: The picture on the (left) shows the sites recognized and would be cleaved by the restriction enzyme in a normal ÃŽ ²- globin allele, whereas the enzyme would not cut the altered ÃŽ ²- globin allele (SCD). The picture on the (right) shows the different fragments bands of different sizes and lengths demonstrated in a gel electrophoresis ( These fragments are then separated by gel electrophoresis (Figure 4). Gel electrophoresis is used to separate molecules such as DNA by using an electric field applied to a gel matrix. Smaller DNA fragments are able to squeeze through the pores of the gel, compared to the larger fragments (Rahimi et al, 2008). The sickle cell genes (long fragments) will be slowest to move compared to the normal genes which had been cut (short fragments). The electrophoresis gel will finally be stained and observed under an Ultra Voilet Transilluminator to view the bands produced. This experiment was carried out in order to outline a scheme for the investigation of Sickle Cell Gene Analysis and to understand and carry out the agarose gel electrophoresis. Besides that, the importance of restriction enzyme and the mechanism of the enzyme in separating the specific amino acid sequence were completely understood. The fragment bands observed on the gel electrophoresis from the experiment results was interpreted and understood. Method Gel Bed Preparation The open ends of a clean and dry gel bed (casting tray) was closed by using a tape. The  ¾ inches wide tape was extended over the sides, and the bottom edges of the bed. The extended edges of the tape were then folded back onto the sides and bottom. The contact points were pressed firmly to form a good seal. Next, the well former template (comb) was placed in the first set of notches at the end of the bed. The comb was placed firmly and evenly across the bed. Casting Agarose Gels Agarose gel (0.8g), concentrated buffer (2ml of 50X), and distilled water (98ml) were added into a 250 ml flask to prepare the gel solution. The volume in the flask which gave the total volume of 100 ml was marked with a marker pen. Next, the mixture was swirled to disperse the agarose powder clumps. The level of the solution on the outside of the flask was indicated with a marker pen. The mixture was then heated to dissolve the agarose powder. The flask was covered with a plastic wrap to minimize the evaporation rate. The mixture was then heated in high temperature for a minute. After that, the mixture was swirled every 25 seconds while it was heated in high temperature, until all the agarose was completely dissolved. The final solution produced was clear (like water), without any undissolved particles in it. The agarose solution was then cooled to 550 C by swirling it carefully, so even dissipation of heat was promoted. Distilled water was added to bring the solution up to the orig inal volume as marked on the flask when evaporation was detected. The interface of the gel bed sealed with the tape, was checked once the gel has cooled slightly to avoid leakage of the agarose solution. A transfer pipette was used to deposit a small amount of cooled agarose solution to both ends of the bed and left for a minute for the agarose to solidify. Finally, the bed was placed on an even surface and the cooled agarose solution was poured onto the bed. The gel was allowed to completely solidify. The gel appeared firm and cool after approximately 20 minutes. Gel Preparation for Electrophoresis The tape was carefully and slowly removed from the gel bed once the gel was completely solidified. The comb was slowly pulled straight up to be removed. This was done carefully and evenly to prevent the sample wells from tearing. The gel (on the bed) was placed into the electrophoresis chamber, orientated properly and centred on a level and even platform. The 50X buffer was then diluted in distilled water to prepare a 500 ml of 1X buffer. Once the buffer was prepared, it was poured into the electrophoresis apparatus chamber. The gel was completely covered with the buffer. The samples were then loaded to conduct the electrophoresis, as discussed below. Loading of Samples The sample volumes were checked to ensure small amounts of samples were not clanged onto the walls of the tubes. The entire volume of the samples was ensured to be at the bottom of the tubes, before the gel was loaded with the samples. 25 µl of DNA samples from tubes A to F was loaded into the wells in a consecutive order (Table 1). Running the Gel The cover was snapped down carefully onto the electrode terminals after the DNA samples were loaded. The negative and positive colour coded indicators on the cover and the apparatus chamber was properly orientated. The plug of the black wire was inserted into the black input of the power source (negative input) and the plug of the red wire was inserted into the red input of the power source (positive input). The power source was set at 125V and the electrophoresis was conducted for 30 minutes. Bubbles observed on the two platinum electrodes indicated that the current was flowing properly. Once the electrophoresis was completed, the power was turned off and the plug was unplugged from the power source. The leads were disconnected and the cover was removed. The gel was removed from the bed to be stained with Ethidium Bromide. Staining the Gel After electrophoresis, the gel was placed on a flat surface and was moistened with several drops of the electrophoresis buffer. The Ethidium Bromide staining card adhesive was removed and placed onto the surface of the gel (where the wells were). Fingers were firmly run over the entire surface of the card several times. Once that has been done, an empty beaker or the casting tray was kept on top of the gel with the staining card to maintain good contact between the gel surface and the card. The gel was left to stain for about 15 to 20 minutes. The card was then removed from the gel surface and the surface of the gel was rinsed with the buffer. The gel was then examined on a Visible Light Gel Visualization System or an Ultra Violet Transilluminator. The fragment bands formed on the surface of gel was observed, and interpreted. Discussion Based on the results obtained, Sample A (Control for Normal Gene) had only 2 bands on the gel when observed under the UV Transilluminator. This is because, the restriction enzyme, MST 11 only cuts the amino acid sequence which it recognises. The MST 11 had cut the CCT- GAG- G sequence from the DNA strand of this normal Hb A gene. Therefore, two bands are formed instead of 1 band. The long fragment had now been cut to two short fragments. Since the MST 11 only recognises the CCT- GAG- G sequence which is on the beginning of the strand, this band appears shorter than the remaining band after it has been cut. Short fragments are able to squeeze through the gel pores easily compared to the longer fragments. Since glutamic acid (GAG) is negatively charged, and is therefore shorter than the remaining fragment, this fragment travels faster and further from the well towards the anode (positive terminal) compared to the remaining fragment. Sample D (Mothers DNA) had the same results as Sample F (Fathers DNA) and Sample B (Control for Sickle Cell Trait Gene). There were 3 bands observed on the gel under the UV Transilluminator. Since these samples are heterozygous for SCD (Hb AS), they have inherited 1 copy of normal gene and 1 copy of defective gene. The restriction enzyme did not recognize the sickle cell gene (CCT- GTG- G). Therefore, the MST 11 enzyme did not cut that sequence. As a result, that fragment appeared to be 1 long fragment and could not easily squeeze through the pores of the agarose gel. As a result, this fragment was not able to move fast and further from the well. However, the MST 11 restriction enzyme recognised and had cut the normal gene which was present. Therefore, when the DNA strand was cut, two shorter fragments were formed which easily travelled through the pores and were able to travel away from the wells. The A gene with the shorter fragment travelled further compared to the remaining fragm ent. Sample E (Unborn Childs DNA) had the same results as Sample A (Control for Sickle Cell Anaemia Gene). Only 1 band was observed on the gel under the UV Transilluminator. Since the sample is homozygous for sickle cell (Hb SS), the baby had inherited 2 copies of defective gene from the parents. The restriction enzyme did not recognize the Sickle cell gene (CCT- GTG- G) and did not cut the DNA strand. As a result, the fragment remained as 1 long fragment and was not able to squeeze though the pores of agarose gel easily. This fragment moved extremely slow and could not move very far from the wells. The inheritance pattern which had caused the child to be Homozygous for SCD had been discussed above (Figure 3). SCD can lead to complications such as anaemia, jaundice and stroke if left untreated (Pan et al, 2007) (Nagababu et al, 2008). This is because, when substitution of amino acid occurs due to the mutation, a new longitudinal polymer which has valine in the 6th position of the beta chain instead of glutamic acid is polymerized. Haemoglobin S is formed due to this. During hypoxia (less oxygen supply to tissues), aggregation of haemoglobin takes place due to the presence of the hydrophobic valine instead of the polar glutamic acid in the 6th position of the ÃŽ ² -globin chain (Cleon et al, 2009) (Stuart and Nagel, 2004). As a result, red blood cells with sickle shape which are fragile and not flexible are formed (Nagababu et al, 2008) (Pan et al, 2007) (Manchikanti et al, 2007). C:UserscompaqDesktoprd_sicklecell.jpg Figure 5: The complications of Untreated Sickle Cell Disease (ICAGEN Ion Channel Advances, 2010) Children with SCD will normally be closely observed by a paediatrician in order to ensure they are healthy. These children will be subscribed with folic acid to be taken daily to stay healthy. Besides that, penicillin is also required in order to prevent them from getting illnesses due to their weak and immature immune system (Ndefo et al, 2009). Complications due to Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Streptococcus Pneumoniae sepsis Newborn 5 years (Penicillin VK) 2years and above (23- valent Streptococcus Pneumoniae polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) Bone marrow Aplasia and Megaloblastic erythropoiesis Folic acid Stroke Blood transfusions Pain Episodes Hydroxyurea (complete blood count monitored every 2 weeks, Hb F monitored every 6 -8 weeks, and serum chemistries monitored every 2- 4 weeks) Other than that, hydroxyurea are also given to children with SCD. Hydroxyurea works by activating the fetal haemoglobin production to replace the production of Haemoglobin S which results in SCD (Ndefo et al, 2008). Children with SCD who has a high risk for developing stroke, will be given blood transfusion frequently (Vichinsky et al, 2007) (Kirkham, 2007). A blood transfusion replaces the sickle cells with normal red blood cells which leads to a good supply of oxygen to the brain, which will reduce the chances of stroke in children (Kirkham, 2007) (Nagababu et al, 2008). Unfortunately, blood transfusions causes iron overload in the body because the body lacks mechanism to excrete iron (Vichinsky et al, 2007). An overload of iron results in iron deposition in various organs which can be fatal if untreated (Vichinsky et al, 2007). Therefore, children with regular blood transfusions will be given chelating agents (Vichinsky et al, 2007) such as desferrioxamine to excrete iron from the body through the urine and faeces. Bone marrow transplantation is the only cure for SCD (Ndefo et al, 2008). The affected bone marrow will be replaced with a closely matched Human Lymphocyte Antigen (HLA) bone marrow from a healthy individual (Ndefo et al, 2008). Bone marrow transplants enables, new and normal healthy red blood cells to be produced. The disadvantages of bone marrow transplantations are the occurrence of Graft Versus- Host Disease (GVHD). Based on the study by Ndefo et al (2008), it was suggested that there will be an 85% chance of survival free from SCD, 7% chance of developing bone marrow transplant complications and a 9% chance of GVHD failure rate with a bone marrow transplant procedure. Conclusion As a conclusion, gel electrophoresis is found to be an excellent way to aid in the analysis of sickle cell genes. Using gel electrophoresis, many samples can be analysed at the same time, and its results are specific and accurate. The disadvantages of this method are that analytical errors might occur due to the large amount of sample handling and it is costly. Although it is costly, this method can increase the awareness of the carriers of SCD about the presence of Hb S in them, which can aid in their future family planning. Children with homozygous SCD, can be prevented from suffering from SCD complicatio

Friday, October 25, 2019

Black and TV :: Art

Black and TV Have u ever thought about African Americans invalid with television? If not in this report you will learn about how African Americans have influenced television. You will learn about television shows that have effected television and also just certain people that have effected television also. Commercial television was born in 1948 as each of the three major networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC, began broadcasting. 1948 was also a great year in African American history with the desegregation of the United States armed forces to see Blacks in the American Military and an endorsement of civil rights in the presidential platform of the Democratic Party headed by President Harry S. Truman. ( As television news shows began to report seriously on racism and the fight for civil rights television's entertainment programs became even more white. Since its birth, the medium had avoided controversy. During the 1960s, as protests rose against both racism and the Vietnam War programming became less and less realistic. For example, some of the most popular shows on television at that time were Witches, Genies, and other Escapist Fantasy. As the cultural critic J. Fred McDonald pointed out, comedies such as Petticoat Junction and The Andy Griffith Show both set in the South portrayed all-white worlds in which prejudice did not exist. ( In 1965-a movie that came out starred Bill Cosby and Robert Culp both African Americans. The name of it was I Spy. The movie was directed to race mostly. By the late 1960s television began to come out from its fantasy world to present programming more in touch with the reality of the present times. The first comedy series to deal with race was All in the Family a show with a mostly white cast. At its head was Archie Bunker a racist. While some felt that Archie's use of racial slurs amounted to prejudice most saw the series as an important move toward realism particularly in terms of race relations on television.The Bunkers' next door neighbors were a black family whose characters were later featured in a popular spin-off series. The Jefferson’s which aired from 1975 to 1985. ( Then in the late 90’s the TV World came out with a whole new channel BET. Black Entertainment Television, this was to make African Americans more noticed around the world.By the late 1990s more African Americans than ever were involved in the television industry, some in executive and production roles.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Evaluate the role of the supreme court Essay

Evaluate the role of the supreme court in protecting the rights and liberties of US citizens. The power of judicial review has allowed the Supreme Court to protect civil liberties within America. Its involvement in civil rights issues have ranged from racial issues, to the rights of those accused and the reapportionment of electoral districts. in 1954, the Supreme Court stated that racially segregated schools were a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. in 1966, the Supreme Court stated that a person must be informed of his/her right to remain silent when arrested and that they have access to a lawyer if required. in 1966, the Supreme Court stated that one person should have one vote when dealing with the apportionment of electoral districts. These are clear examples where it can easily be argued that the supreme courts role in protecting the rights and liberties of US citizens was major. The Supreme Court has played a very important part in preserving the r ights (and building them) of minority groups also. Politicians invariably sway their work towards the majority as it is the majority that will vote them back into power. Read more: Mini qs in American history essay This has been called the â€Å"tyranny of the majority† which has meant that the minorities have been left behind in the rush for votes. Chief Justice Marshall argued that there was no other institution in existence that could defend the rights of the minorities other than the Supreme Court. The 1954 decision of the Supreme Court is indicative of its power. Eisenhower had no great interest in reform in general and Congress was dominated by right wing southern Democrats who did not champion the civil rights movement. Therefore, only the Supreme Court could do this and the south’s educational policy based on segregation was overturned at a stroke. Enforcing it was another issue. The most recent and controversial involvement of the Supreme Court concerned the right to abortion. In 1973, the Supreme Court voted 7-2 to enforce the right of all women to have an abortion even though some states had banned it. They argued that this was allowed under the 14th Amendment. Though t his issue was clearly the right of a woman (‘Jane Doe’) to have an abortion in Texas (where abortions were banned), others saw it as an attempt by the Supreme Court to further extend its powers over a state’s right to govern itself within the realms of the Constitution. In 1989, with a more conservative Supreme Court, the above finding was nearly overturned. However, it was not, but the states took this move to the right by the Supreme Court, as an  opportunity to regulate abortions far more closely. The states also gambled on the fact that the Court would not intervene on issues involving the availability of abortions in states. In 1992, the 1973 decision was once again upheld but the Court ruled that a state would be acting unconstitutionally if it placed â€Å"undue burden† on a woman’s right to an abortion. The rights and Civil liberties of US citizens are not absolute but must be balanced against other considerations (such as national security or public safety) and against one another when rights come into conflict. The judicial branch of government, particularly the Supreme Court, has taken on much of the responsibility for protecting and interpreting individual rights. The Court’s positions have changed with time and conditions, but the Court has generally been more protective of and sensitive to civil liber ties than have elected officials or popular majorities.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History Part B

Controlled assessment part b i. Representation 1 is from the The English Police Force; A Political and Social History written by Clive Emsley, published in 1991. It suggests that the police were ineffective at stopping/preventing major crimes such as robbery. However, they were effective at stopping minor crimes in the local community. Representation 2 is A Plaint by a P’liceman, a poem published in Punch magazine in the late nineteenth century.It also suggests that the police were ineffective at stopping/preventing major crimes and that limited the effectiveness of the Police. However, the representation also suggests that the police were effective at stopping/preventing minor crimes but that was seen as ‘stop[ing] little boys from playing ball’. Representations 1 and 2 have a number of similarities. First of all Rep 1 and 2 portray the negative attitude towards the Police. This is shown by ‘belief among many of the working class that there was a law for th e rich and another, harsher law, for the poor.In some areas, they allowed fights and other law breaking activities, which they would’ve acted against elsewhere’. From representation 2, i can spot that it agrees with representation 1 as it says ‘’The street’s re quite unsafe’ they say, You’re robbed and mobbed in broad noonday But little boys they mustn’t play’’. Representation 1 also gives the impression that the Police were capable of preventing petty crimes but they differ in tone. This is shown by ‘what the police were especially good at, was apprehending those who committed petty street offences . Representation 2 is similar and i know this from ‘Stop little boys from playing ball, or move away an apple stall’. Finally, Representation 1 suggests that the police themselves were not to blame for their ineffectiveness. I know this from ‘The police never had sufficient manpower to suppress disorder entirely’. Representation 2 is similar as it suggests ‘ Well, if from growls you can refrain, it ain’t of us you should complain You’ve got thank SIR RICHARD MAYNE’. Representation 1 and 2 have a number of differences.First of all Rep 1 gives a negative view towards the police but it differs in attitude compared to Representation 2. This shown by the fact that Representation 1 gives negative view towards the police but it gives some positives of the Police, therefore giving balanced argument. However, Representation 2 gives a generally one sided view of the police, which is negative. The representation doesn’t seem to take into account the other side of Policing, creating a one-sided and biased view. Both representations differ in tone.I know this as Representation 1 gives an academic style, due to the language used. You must also take into account that it’s from a textbook. Meaning that it will have to be fair when creating a judgement of the Police. Representation 1 tends to use words such as ‘however’ and ‘although’. Representation 2 is wholly one sided being exaggerated. Emotional language is used, in order to build a negative view image of the police. I know this from the exaggeration and comparison of petty street offenders to boys ‘They bids me chivvy little boys’In conclusion the two representations are mostly different as the first representation gives a balanced view making a conclusion at the end after evaluating all points. Whereas, the 2nd Representation gives a negative focus and tone towards the Police without even considering the usefulness of the police. The main reason for this is Representation 1 concludes that ‘Although they[working class] may not have liked the Police, they realised that the police force were there to protect and serve the community’.By concluding in this manner, it shows that there is an understanding as to why the police are judged in a certain way but gave a reason as to why the Police were existent and that was to put order in society. Whereas, Representation 2 portrays the Police as useless when considering all the crimes that the Police should prevent. Representation 2 consider’s the Police as people who only put a plaster on the wound rather than healing the wound, in a sense. The downside for Representation 2 is that it is completely one sided which allows a lot of criticism to be made.The most important areas of difference is the tone and focus. I say this because, there is a clear difference because of the tone and focus. Representation 1 is a formal and factual piece focusing on all aspects of policing, thus, allowing the reader to understand the Police properly and leave the reader to make his own judgement. However, when it comes to Representation 2, the piece is informal and focuses only on the negative aspects of the Police. The piece doesn’t allow the reader to ma ke his own judgement fairly.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay about Nuclear Fusion

Essay about Nuclear Fusion Essay about Nuclear Fusion Nuclear Fusion Learning the process of nuclear fusion is one of scientist’s greatest discoveries. From how much energy is radiated from the sun to the creation of the hydrogen bomb, nuclear fusion has impacted our world much more than we think. Within this paper, the history and description, importance, relation to our chemistry class, and current research regarding the topic will be explored. In the 1930’s, nuclear fusion was only a process known by scientists that explained how the sun and other stars yielded an enormous amount of energy. But during the 1950’s, scientist discovered a way to explore how and where the energy derives. They found that when two light atoms, often isotopes of hydrogen, collide together at extremely high speeds, they create a larger atom, but also release a large amount of energy in the process. Heavier atoms are much less likely to fuse, and any atom heavier then iron will not fuse at all. After fusion, the mass of the product atom w ill be less than the sum of the two reactants’ mass. This mass is often calculated by one of Einstein’s most popular formulas, E=mc2 (m representing mass, c representing the speed of light). Overall, this equation states that even when the amount of mass that â€Å"disappears† is very small, the amount of energy produced is still very large. Nuclear fusion naturally occurs often on Earth, such as four hydrogen nuclei fusing together to create a helium atom. But, scientists discovered a process that greatly increases the energy output of nuclear fusion called a thermonuclear reaction. This type of reaction created what we call the hydrogen bomb. As heat increases in the casing, gas particles move faster and therefore cause more collision. When the temperature reaches approximately 100,000,000oC, the hydrogen atoms collide so powerfully that they create a mass explosion. In general, scientists found a way to harness a reaction at temperatures completely unknown t o earth and create a bomb from it. Many people are dreaming of a way to use nuclear fusions power under more

Monday, October 21, 2019

Not only were the Vikings

Not only were the Vikings brutal raiders, pillagers, and savage pirates, they were some of the greatest contributors to sea travel, and tools. They werent mindless barbarians, but they were fierce fighters who sought wealth and prosperity. Among their fighting skills lay politics, craftsmanship, and poems. One of the greatest advantages that the Vikings had over predators and prey was their means of travel. Unlike todays boats, they were built to absorb waves, and to carry vast amounts of goods, room for each warrior to carry his own. Perfectly balanced, these ships were faster than other tribes. Not only was the ship designed to harness the power of the water, but also the wind. Vikings were the first to use sails. With sails, they could travel anywhere silently, and unseen. They were built light enough to carry onto shore and to be rolled on logs. With this kind of mobility, they were able to give England a great headache, attacking Rouen, Nantes, and Paris. They took from Spain, Italy, and Rome. In 865, Vikings took over York, which they settled. Throughout a hundred years at York, it flourished and grew as a center of international trade. Vikings again showed their craftsmanship by laying out city streets, minting coin, and producing items for trade like combs and shoes. Soon after, armies of Scandinavia invaded to demand protection money from weak English rulers. Vikings continued to hold the English throne for decades. The Vikings were different from other raiders, they werent merely there to take their loot and leave, they had no homeland. They would fight for a king, and usually inhabit whatever land they charge. They were great traders, and are now part of the people from those lands. Icelands Viking pioneers created an aristo-democracy ruled by 39 chieftain-priests. They met each year in the national assembly. The Icelanders did not wish to have a king, and they raised no army

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Zeugma

Definition and Examples of Zeugma Zeugma is a  rhetorical term for the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words although its use may be grammatically or logically correct with only one. Adjective: zeugmatic. Rhetorician Edward P.J. Corbett offers this distinction between zeugma and syllepsis: in zeugma, unlike syllepsis, the single word does not fit grammatically or idiomatically with one member of the pair. Thus, in Corbetts view, the first example below would be syllepsis, the second zeugma: You are free to execute your laws, and your citizens, as you see fit.(Star Trek: The Next Generation)Kill the boys and the luggage!​(Fluellen in William Shakespeares Henry V) However, as Bernard Dupriez points out in A Dictionary of Literary Devices (1991), There is little agreement among rhetoricians on the difference between syllepsis and zeugma, and Brian Vickers notes that even the Oxford English Dictionary confuses syllepsis and zeugma (Classical Rhetoric in English Poetry, 1989). In contemporary rhetoric, the two terms are commonly used interchangeably to refer to a figure of speech in which the same word is applied to two others in different senses. Etymology From the Greek, a yoking, a bond Examples and Observations Zeugma is when a word applies to two others in different ways; or to two words when it only semantically suits one. An example of the former quotes Alanis Morissette: You held your breath and the door for me. How chivalrous and zeugmatic. An example of the latter is with wailing mouths and hearts- but dont blame Morissette for this doggerel.(Gary Nunn, Move Over, George Orwell- This Is How to Sound Really Clever. The Guardian, October 11, 2013)He carried a strobe light and the responsibility for the lives of his men.(Tim OBrien, The Things They Carried. McClelland Stewart, 1990)She arrived in a taxi and a flaming rage.(John Lyons, Semantics. Cambridge University  Press, 1977)We were partners, not soul mates, two separate people who happened to be sharing a menu and a life.(Amy Tan, The Hundred Secret Senses. Ivy Books, 1995)[H]e was alternately cudgelling his brains and his donkey when, passing the workhouse, his eyes encountered the bill on the gate.(Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist , 1839) I just blew my nose, a fuse, and three circuit breakers.(The Jim Henson Hour, 1989)I was in no sort of nick for this encounter, I admit, full of fear and afternoon scotch and the homeward tug.(Marin Amis, Money. Jonathan Cape, 1984)Whether the nymph shall break Dianas law,Or some frail China-jar receive a flaw,Or stain her honour, or her new brocade.(Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock, 1717)She lowered her standards by raising her glass,Her courage, her eyes and his hopes.(Flanders and Swann, Have Some Madeira, MDear)The theme of the Egg Hunt is learning is delightful and delicious- as, by the way, am I.(Allison Janney as C.J. Cregg in The West Wing) Zeugma as a Writing Fault Like syllepsis, the figure known as zeugma uses a single word to link two thoughts, but in syllepsis the relationship of the linking word to both ideas is correct, whereas in zeugma the relationship is correct for one idea but not for the other. A fabricated example of zeugma might be, He sat munching his sandwich and his beer. An actual example from fiction is, Something odd in the behavior of the pair held his attention and his curiosity. The term zeugma is often used to refer to syllepsis, but as here distinguished it obviously is a writing fault, which syllepsis is not. (Theodore Bernstein, The Careful Writer: A Modern Guide to English Usage. Simon Schuster, 1965)Zeugma is often accidental, as in She wore a rusty black dress, a feather boa, and an alligator handbag; since wore has no legitimate application to handbag, this zeugma is an error. (Edward D. Johnson, The Handbook of Good English. Washington Square, 1991)Confusing and Contradictory Distinctions Between Zeugma and Syll epsisAlthough commentators have historically tried to distinguish between zeugma and syllepsis, the distinctions have been confusing and contradictory: even today agreement on definitions in the rhetorical handbooks is virtually nil (The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 1993).  Were better off using zeugma in its broadest sense and not confusing matters by introducing syllepsis, a little-known term the meaning of which even the experts cant agree on.  (Bryan A. Garner, The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2016) Pronunciation: ZOOG-muh

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Gospel of Mark Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Gospel of Mark - Research Paper Example When compared to other three gospels, Mark is not an appealing piece of writing. Evidently, his intention was the simple and direct narration of the events so that his gentile audience who did not have knowledge about ‘a promised messiah’ can easily comprehend the message he conveys. Mark’s is the oldest gospel, and obviously the primary sources of information for other writers like Luke, John, and Mathew. Regardless of its lacking readability, the gospel of Mark is often considered as a reliable testimony as he was very close to Peter and Paul in their mission. It contains Jesus’ parables, the miracles he performed, events like crucifixion and resurrection, and finally the mission Jesus vests upon his apostles. According to many, the final element (Mk: 16: 9-20) is an addition to the gospel of Mark probably by some editors. Mark begins the gospel hastily with the oration of John the Baptist, and this informs readers that Jesus is the heavenly messiah and s on of God, fulfillment of prophesy. Gospel of Mark is one of the most important pieces of work in the New Testament for several reasons. Despite its terse prose, gospel of Mark is concrete for historical factors and clear narration of Jesus’ ministry. As a writer, Mark has clear objectives, and he gives special emphasis to certain ideas and themes throughout the book. His gospel is not a loose description of too many things, but it addresses specific theological concerns and ethical issues. Gospel of Mark contains 16 chapters among which the first 8 chapters describe his travel to the north. He preaches the word of God and performs wonders as the sign of his authority and heavenly mission. The entire first part reflects the early Christian church’s belief in Jesus as the Christ, Man, and Son of God. Throughout this part several people ask the question who Jesus is, and the answer is that Jesus heals the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Law - The Four Step Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Law - The Four Step Process - Essay Example Consideration is anything that is given in exchange for the promise that is received. STEP TWO There are three main requirements for the formation of a legally enforceable contract including intention to enter into a legally binding agreement, agreement (offer and acceptance) and consideration (without giving note to the value of consideration). Firstly, regarding communication, as a general rule, the acceptance would take effect only after it has received by the offeror in this case Peter. Here since the system of sending and receiving messages is instantaneous, as soon as the message is received by the offeror, acceptance takes place. However, it should be received by Peter in his email system. This was a rule proposed by the case Brinkibon Ltd v Sthalwharenhandelsgesellschaft [1983] 2 AC 34; [1982] 1 All ER 293 (Beatrix 2005). The acceptance cannot be considered to be accepted unless it is properly communicated and in this case, once the message is in the inbox of the offeror†™s email, the acceptance would be activated. Further in this case, the acceptance had to ensure by the conduct of Sally, mainly by posting the bike immediately, as requested by Peter. The acceptance was received before the proposed due time suggested by Peter. Regarding the intention to enter into the contract, the same is usually decided objectively by the courts. Here it would be important to see if a reasonable person placed in Peter’s shoes would regard the agreement as binding. Two factors that would ensure that the contract is legally binding is that since it should occur between non-related persons where greater importance is given to ensuring a formal nature of the agreement, and secondly since all the discussions are in writing, there are better chances of getting the contract legally enforced. Another legal issue is regarding consideration, which is also an important factor after offer/agreement and intention. Only if there is an offer, which is agreed and intenti on of the parties to enter into a legally binding agreement along with a consideration, would it be considered a valid contract. Consideration is anything that has value and is given as an exchange for fulfilling the promise and courts would not look at the value of the consideration. To ensure that the contract is legally binding, a valid consideration should be present. This was demonstrated in the case Thomas v Thomas (1842) QB 851 (Lawnix 2012), where the court decided not to go into looking at the adequacy of the consideration. STEP THREE As proposed in the case Brinkibon Ltd v Sthalwharenhandelsgesellschaft [1983] 2 AC 34; [1982] 1 All ER 293 (Beatrix 2005), once the message of acceptance has been communicated to Peter and the message reaches Peter’s system within the time the offer would be available, the same is considered as accepted. Hence, since the message reaches Peter’s system by 4:45 pm before the close of business day, the contract is active and is lega lly binding on Peter, who has to accept it. He has certain liabilities and has to pay the consideration. According to the legal systems, email communication is considered as an instantaneous mean of communication and the rules are not clear, but would be similar to the laws that exist for fax communication, since both are sending and received instantaneously. However, the message has to be received

Paths out of homelessness in chicago Research Paper

Paths out of homelessness in chicago - Research Paper Example These activities result in the migration of the population from rural to urban areas. This fact have caused the uncontrollable expansion of cities, this expansion has caused many environmental and social problems (Nese et al, 115). Locations in cities have a high level of accommodation and it holds the concentration of economic interests and activities. These structures are supported by transport systems. The larger the urban area the greater would be complexity and the potential of disturbances it is not carefully managed (McDonald et al, 342). One of the most important transport problems take place when the transport systems cannot satisfy the requirements of urban mobility for a variety of reasons, Urban productivity is entirely dependent on the transport system to move the goods and labour to multiple destinations. The highly considerable transport problems are traffic congestion and parking difficulties, this issue is the one of the most highly notable issue of the urban areas in the country. In order to analyze and carefully understand the transport system in the urban areas of the country the SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities Threats) is needed and helpful to build key strategic to resolve issues and achieve the goals. It is the most recognizable and reliable tool for check and analysis of the overall strategic position of the business and its environment. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the strategies that will create a model for the firm specific business. The model will best support an organization’s resources and capabilities to the requirements of the environment in which the firm operates. To be precise and brief, this analysis helps for evaluating the internal limitations and potential and the likely opportunities and threats from the external environment. This analysis views all the positive and negative factors inside and

Dow Corning Customer Value and Segmentation Essay

Dow Corning Customer Value and Segmentation - Essay Example The results of such re-evaluation are a new approach to customers and a newly formed customer segmentation. Basically, Dow Corning has classified their customers into three main categories. First, the company has clients who aim to become the first in the market to introduce certain innovative products and services. For instance, when a company wants to introduce a new product into the market, it may require the expertise of Dow Corning so as to hasten the entry of such product into the market. Such customers want specific innovations that will help them produce new products or develop new services. As cited in the case study, one such company was Reliance Industries. Through the services of Dow Corning, the said company was able to bring to the market a new fiber optic cable that that was easier to install and cost significantly less than other available alternatives in the market. The second customer segment of Dow Corning is composed of companies involved in fast-growing markets. Being involved in fast-growing markets, clients such as these require innovative solutions that will improve their own productivity and performance. These clients require Dow Corning's expertise so as to avoid being left behind by their competitors in their rapidly growing and changing industries and sectors.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Customer Service Excellence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Customer Service Excellence - Essay Example More specifically, organizational culture is an established set of mutual mental conventions that guide understanding and action in organizations by outlining appropriate behaviour for various circumstances (Ravasi & Schultz, 2006). From organizational values advance organizational norms, procedures, or expectations that recommend appropriate manners of behaviour by employees in specific situations and govern the behaviour of organizational members towards each other. Strong culture is said to occur where staff respond to stimulus because of their placement with the organizational values. In such surroundings, strong cultures aid firms function like well-oiled machines, voyaging along with outstanding performance and perhaps minor modification of prevailing procedures here and there. Equally, there is weak culture where there is slightarrangement with organizational values and control must be implemented through extensive measures as well as a culture of bureaucracy. Research indicat es that organizations that nurture strong cultures have clear ideals and values that give employees a motive to embrace the culture. A ‘strong’ culture may be particularlyadvantageous to firms operating in the service sector because members of these establishments are responsible for carrying out the service and for evaluations significantcomponents make about firms. Research specifies that organizations may develop the following benefits from sustaining strong as well as dynamic cultures: Better supporting the company towards attaining its mission, vision and goals High employee enthusiasm and devotion Elevated team cohesiveness amongst the company’s various units and departments Encouragingreliability and inspiringmanagement and control within the company Influencing employee behaviour at work, empowering the organization to be more resourceful (Hofstede, 1980) Businesses are gradually adopting customer-focused business processes to increase competitive advanta ge. Especially predominant in industries where product offerings and price do not provide adequate differentiation, this new focus compromises numerous assistances. Customer involvement is the battleground, and a business can't triumph with a culture that doesn't truly clasp the concept. Culture can neither be simply forced on a business nor fashioned by flicking a switch. However, there are a few key steps can assistance put a business on the path towards a customer-focused philosophy. To shape your business around customers, an organization should aim to comprehend them, and create a regular discussion. If a business arms itself with the gears to better comprehend your customers, you will be better able to perform in their best benefits. A business’s employees possess great understanding in their customer base and how todelight them. Tap this knowledge base to better appreciate employee views. It is important not to limit this outreach to customer-facing employees only. A c ustomer-focused culture is not just about giving better customer service at the front desk; it is about permeating all the actions as a business with a sagacity of how the customer is influenced by those actions (or absence of them).Corporate culture is a long-term deliberation, and representing that you're truly investing in change will help to drive additional change and involve your employees in the process (Schein, 1985). Customer feedback is not always applauded by employees, so it

Service Learning Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Service Learning Project - Essay Example Finally, I also joined the brainstorming session for Friday’s event where we discussed what was to be presented, and I gave some ideas that were well received. This service-learning project was appropriate for my BComm program course for various reasons, mostly in equipping me with abilities, skills, and knowledge required for a successful career in private and public sectors. The project helped me to explore the communications aspect of the course, as I was able to engage in textual, visual, and verbal messages for a specific audience, in this case, those who are to attend the religious event, which is important to my professional and academic success. It also helped me to explore the information literacy aspect through recognition of required information and the retrieval, evaluation, and effective use of information during my work at the Society’s library. I was also able top engage in teamwork during the brainstorming session that was a valuable lesson in how to interact with other team members during one of the important stages of team decision making. Finally, the project helped me learn about the social and ethical responsibi lity aspect of the course, as I was involved in planning for an event through which the Society was giving back to the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Customer Service Excellence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Customer Service Excellence - Essay Example More specifically, organizational culture is an established set of mutual mental conventions that guide understanding and action in organizations by outlining appropriate behaviour for various circumstances (Ravasi & Schultz, 2006). From organizational values advance organizational norms, procedures, or expectations that recommend appropriate manners of behaviour by employees in specific situations and govern the behaviour of organizational members towards each other. Strong culture is said to occur where staff respond to stimulus because of their placement with the organizational values. In such surroundings, strong cultures aid firms function like well-oiled machines, voyaging along with outstanding performance and perhaps minor modification of prevailing procedures here and there. Equally, there is weak culture where there is slightarrangement with organizational values and control must be implemented through extensive measures as well as a culture of bureaucracy. Research indicat es that organizations that nurture strong cultures have clear ideals and values that give employees a motive to embrace the culture. A ‘strong’ culture may be particularlyadvantageous to firms operating in the service sector because members of these establishments are responsible for carrying out the service and for evaluations significantcomponents make about firms. Research specifies that organizations may develop the following benefits from sustaining strong as well as dynamic cultures: Better supporting the company towards attaining its mission, vision and goals High employee enthusiasm and devotion Elevated team cohesiveness amongst the company’s various units and departments Encouragingreliability and inspiringmanagement and control within the company Influencing employee behaviour at work, empowering the organization to be more resourceful (Hofstede, 1980) Businesses are gradually adopting customer-focused business processes to increase competitive advanta ge. Especially predominant in industries where product offerings and price do not provide adequate differentiation, this new focus compromises numerous assistances. Customer involvement is the battleground, and a business can't triumph with a culture that doesn't truly clasp the concept. Culture can neither be simply forced on a business nor fashioned by flicking a switch. However, there are a few key steps can assistance put a business on the path towards a customer-focused philosophy. To shape your business around customers, an organization should aim to comprehend them, and create a regular discussion. If a business arms itself with the gears to better comprehend your customers, you will be better able to perform in their best benefits. A business’s employees possess great understanding in their customer base and how todelight them. Tap this knowledge base to better appreciate employee views. It is important not to limit this outreach to customer-facing employees only. A c ustomer-focused culture is not just about giving better customer service at the front desk; it is about permeating all the actions as a business with a sagacity of how the customer is influenced by those actions (or absence of them).Corporate culture is a long-term deliberation, and representing that you're truly investing in change will help to drive additional change and involve your employees in the process (Schein, 1985). Customer feedback is not always applauded by employees, so it

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Time Delay Disputes in Construction Contracts Assignment

Time Delay Disputes in Construction Contracts - Assignment Example Internal environments usually consist of scheduling issues; i.e. if the construction process was poorly scheduled. Additionally, it may comprise of certain financial problems or changed orders. Exogenous factors largely consist of external elements such poor weather or government laws and regulations. Inputs factors that may lead to delays in construction are largely related to the issue of manpower shortage. (Sweis, 2008) In other words, delays may either be non excusable or excusable. For instance, when a delay is caused by labour disputes, unusual deliveries, and transportation deals that had not been foreseen or other causes that could not be predicted, then the affected party can consider forgiving the offending party. However, in other instances, then delays cannot be excused by the offending party. For example, when delays occurred during ordinary weather or when the subcontractor failed to meet his/her end of the bargain. It is also inexcusable to delay a construction if the project site was poorly coordinated. This may also be a problem when the contractor fails to finance the project properly or when there was poor workmanship, delays in material acquisition among others things. When a delay is caused by any of the latter factors, then it is likely that that person found guilty of the offense will be liable to pay damages. (Fewings & Jones, 2005) The first aspect that is involved in dealing with the disputes is mitigation of its effect. It is likely that the construction process may still be underway. Consequently, the affected parties have to look for ways in which they can minimise the distractions that would lead to further delay or that would cause ultimate project failure. (Kamara, 2002) The next thing that needs to be done is to determine the root cause of the problem. One must be able to determine whether the causes of these delays are actually excusable or not. This is usually done by conducting a detailed evaluation and analysis of the construction site, the contractors, the subcontractor, workers, materials and all other interests groups required to make the project complete. It is usually plausible to break down all the disputes involved in the process little by little. This is because certain events may have caused different delays. Additionally, to effectively solve disputes, it is necessary to assess the overall liability involved and the actual damage caused to the affected party. Thereafter, the two parties in the construction process are usually required to take part in a settlement agreement. This will require legal consultants who will be able to voice the concerns of each of the affected parties. At that time, it may be also be necessary to consider the legal representatives for each party as there is a whole team involved in the dispute resolution mechanisms. The assembly of this team may usually be necessary in mediation cases rather than in settlement arrangements. (Iyer, Chaphalkar & Joshi, 2008) However, in the event that a dispute is quite severe or when the affected parties have failed to reach a compromise, then these two parties will be required to take their case to court. This usually occurs when the dispute has resulted in litigation in the part of the affected party. Usually, judges will listen to their respective cases and then come up with possible explanations about what could have caused

Monday, October 14, 2019

Free Vibration Of A Cantilever Objective

Free Vibration Of A Cantilever Objective The purpose of this experiment is to determine the natural frequency of a cantilever beam study both undamped and damped free vibration motion of a cantilever beam. Vibration is the periodic motion of a body or system of connected bodies displaced from a position of equilibrium. In general, there are two types of vibration, free and forced. Free vibration is maintained by gravitational or elastic restoring force. Forced vibration is caused by an external periodic or intermittent force applied to the system. Both of these types of vibration may be either damped or undamped. Undamped vibrations can continue indefinitely because frictional effects are neglected in the analysis. Basically, if a system that is subjected to an initial disturbance and is left to vibrate on its own, the subsequent vibration is known as the free vibration. Vibrations without damping would result in a continuous vibration of the particular oscillatory body. As a matter of fact, it will produce a displacement-time graph of such nature as shown in the following figure. This graph is commonly referred to as the simple harmonic motion. mmons/4/44/Simple_harmonic_motion.png Figure 1: Simple Harmonic Motion (Displacement-Time Graph) However, in reality, just as with many other scientific theories, this is impossible because friction and other forces are present both internally and externally. As the system is subjected to these forces, this phenomena is called damping. The principle effect of damping is to reduce the amplitude of an oscillation, not to change its frequency. So, the graph of the amplitude of a normal damped oscillation might look like the following: Figure 2: Graph of Damped Oscillation (Displacement-Time Graph) Apparatus and Materials: 1. Cantilever beam apparatus -Modulus of elasticity of aluminium(E) : 70GPa -Dimension of the cantilever beam : 927mm (L) ÃÆ'- 19.09mm (W) ÃÆ'- 6.35mm (H) -Mass of the cantilever beam : 292.59g Mass of the damper : 122 g 2. Strain gauge 3. Strain recorder 4. Viscous damper Experimental Procedures: Figure 3: Experiment Setup without Viscous Damper Figure 4: Experiment Setup with Viscous Damper The computer and the strain recorder were switched on. The strain recorder application software was started by double clicking on the DC104REng shortcut icon on the computer desktop. The experiment setup was shown in Figure 3. The operation of the strain recorder and the recorder application software were referred to the operational manual. The viscous damper was removed if it was attached to the beam. The beam was held and displaced by, ymax, -20mm, -15mm, -10m, -5mm, 0, 5mm, 10mm, 15mm,and 20mm. The strain recorder reading for each displacement value from the Numerical Monitor screen of the application software was recorded manually. The relationship of the displacement (of the free end of the beam) and the strain recorder reading was obtained by plotting an appropriate graph using a spreadsheet. The beam is displaced by 30mm and the beam is left to vibrate on its own. The strain recorder reading was recorded by clicking on the Play and Stop button. The recorded file was retrieved by clicking on the Read USB button. The graph of the beam displacement versus time, t was plotted. The experiment was repeated by using beam displacement of 50mm. The viscous damper was connected as shown in Figure 3. Steps 7 and 10 were repeated by using beam displacement of 30mm and 50mm respectively. a) Theoretical Calculations As given in the experiment: Modulus of elasticity of aluminium,E = 70 GPa Length of the cantilever beam, L = 0.927m Width of the cantilever beam,b = 0.019m Thickness of the cantilever beam, h = 0.006m Mass of the cantilever beam, mcantilever = 0.293 kg Mass of the damper, mdamper = 0.122 kg b) Experimental Results and Calculations Free Vibration of Cantilever Beam at 30mm Displacement Natural Circular Frequency of Beam with Viscous Damper, The free vibration of the theoretical natural frequency of the cantilever beam in this experiment is 5.75Hz while the experimental natural frequency of the cantilever beam is 6.25Hz for amplitude of 30mm and 6.25Hz for amplitude of 50mm. The viscously damped vibration of the theoretical natural frequency of the cantilever beam is 3.45Hz and the experimental natural frequency of the cantilever beam for amplitude of 30mm and 50mm are 3.57Hz and 3.57Hz. Percentage error, % x 100% Free Vibration of Cantilever Beam at 30mm Displacement Percentage error, %= x 100% =8.70% Free Vibration of Cantilever Beam at 50mm Displacement Percentage error, %= x 100% =8.70% Viscously Damped Vibration of Cantilever Beam at 30mm Displacement Percentage error, %= x 100% =3.48% Viscously Damped Vibration of Cantilever Beam at 50mm Displacement Percentage error, %= x 100% =3.48% In this experiment, it is calculated that the percentage error for the free vibration is both 8.70% for 30mm and 50mm. For the viciously damped vibration, the percentage error for the 30mm and 50mm were both 3.48%. The results of the experiment were slightly inaccurate. This may be caused by the external force which is the air resistance as the beam oscillates. Another factor is caused by parallax error which occurred during the measuring of displacement before the beam was released as our eye level was not perpendicular to the scale of the metre rule. When the beam is released, it slightly hit the bottom of the container which decreases the original force released drastically which affects the amplitude of oscillation. Furthermore, the Modulus of Elasticity(Youngs Modulus) was given, which might not be accurate. All these source of error may affect the results of the experiment to be inaccurate. The results of the experiment can be improved by measuring the Modulus of Elasticity. Using a deeper container would also avoid the damper to hit the bottom of the container. Furthermore, the experiment can be done in a vacuum box to avoid air resistance. Eye level should be adjusted until it is perpendicular to the metre rule scale. This steps can increase the accuracy of the results. The damped period, damped natural frequency and the damping ratio of the system of free vibration is. When the amplitude is 30mm or 50mm for both cases, they have the same damped period, damped natural frequency and damped ratio. The percentage error for the free vibration of 30mm and 50mm were both 8.70% while for the viciously damped of 30mm and 50mm were both 3.48%. This indicates that the difference in amplitudes do not affect the frequency of the oscillation. From the general equation of frequency : , where c=speed of wave ÃŽÂ »= wavelength This formula proves that amplitude or displacement does not affect the frequency of the oscillation. If the strain gauge is mounted on the other end of the cantilever beam, the results would be not accurate as the gauge is very sensitive to changes. At the other end, there is not much difference in the change of length which affects the strain. In Figure 3, the strain can be detected more easily as the change in length is very obvious. This is because when the free end is free to vibrates, the vibration will be strong but the compression and tension that results on the surface of pressure sensor is not that strong. Conclusion : The theoretical natural frequency , for this experiment is 5.75Hz for free vibration cantilever. The value of both 30mm and 50mm frequency obtained were 6.25Hz which have percentage error of 8.70%. Whereas, the theoretical damped natural frequency , is 3.45 Hz. The value of both 30mm and 50mm frequency obtained were 3.57Hz which have percentage error of 3.48%. Furthermore, the results proves that the displacement does not affect the vibration(frequency) of the oscillation of the cantilever beam.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Christopher Columbus :: Christopher Columbus Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator who sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean in search for the all-water route to Asia, but instead achieved fame for making landfall in the Caribbean Sea. Columbus' plan was based in part on two major miscalculations. First, he underestimated the circumference of the world by about 25 per cent. Columbus also mistakenly believed that most of the world consisted of land rather than water. This mistake led him to conclude that Asia extended much farther east than it actually did. In 1492, Columbus embarked on his first voyage. Queen Isabella of Spain ordered that the port of Palos supply him with three ships the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria. A total of about 90 crew members sailed aboard the three ships. In addition to the officers and sailors, the expedition included a translator, three physicians, a servant for each captain, a secretary, and an accountant. On October 12, 1492, at 2:00 in the morning he spouted a small island, which he called San Salvador. In January, the Santa Maria was wrecked off the coast of Espanola. The Nina, with Columbus in command, along with the Pinta began the homeward voyage in January 1493. The storms drove the ships first to the Azores and then to Lisbon, Columbus arrived in Palos, Spain, in March. He was enthusiastically received by the Spanish Monarchs. Columbus planned immediately for a second expedition, with about 1500 men, which left Spain in September 1493. They landed on the island of Dominica, Gaudeloupe. His stop at Puerto Rico is the closest he came to setting foot on land that would later form part of the United States, the main foundation for the claim that Columbus â€Å"discovered America.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Columbus returned to Queen Isabella on September 29, he found that serious conflicts had developed among the colonists, a number of whom were already on the route to Spain to press their grievances. One of the major problems confronting Columbus was the hostility of the natives, whose initial friendliness had been alienated by the cruelty of the Europeans. Columbus defeated the natives in battle in March 1495 and shipped a large number of them to Spain to sell as slaves. Queen Isabella objected, however, and the survivors were returned. A royal investigating commission arrived at Isabella in October 1495. Because this group was consistently critical of his policies, Columbus established a new capital named Santo Domingo.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Treasure Island :: Treasure Island Essays

Treasure Island   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Treasure Island is an epic adventure: a tale of pirates, treasure, and exploration of an unknown and mysterious island.   Throughout the course of the book, many lessons are learned that give the reader advice so he/she can better survive in the real world.   The literal Treasure Island itself represents the world in which we live, a world with many hazards and scattered rewards to be found.   The bookà ­s most important lesson to be learned though, is that a solid command of the language and knowing when to use it can make life much easier for a person.   Although this story takes place centuries before our time now, this useful lesson found in it can still be applied to our lives today.      This story is so realistic in its context of the time and its superb character dialogues, that it is very easy for the reader to be transported right in the middle of that age, and right in the company of sea-faring pirates.   The authorà ­s vivid descriptions of Jim, the main character and narrator, the many Pirates and other characters he comes across during his adventures are painstakingly detailed. You can see young Jim's eager and excited face when he finds out he is going on a treasure hunt.   You can also easily picture the rips and bloodstained rags of the pirates, and smell the foul alcohol on their breaths.   The description of the island itself is extremely detailed also, and it seems like the author was looking straight off a geographical map when he wrote the in-depth account of it.    However deep these descriptions of setting and character pull you into the plot, the dialogue the author places in the story is what makes the story more impressive and impossible to escape.   It is so captivating and original to us because we hardly ever hear it, and the phrases are very creative.   An example is this quote from Long John Silver: " But for two year before that, shiver my timbers! the man was starving. He begged, and he stole, and he cut throats, and starved at that, by the powers!"   The colorful language of the book even had me repeating phrases such as this one long after I had finished reading it.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Compare and contrast images of heroism in these two poems

Heroism is a trait that we seem to have no problem identifying, yet when asked to define what a hero is a myriad of answers emerge. This phenomenon is not unique to today's society; the definition of a hero is something that is constantly under revision and debate. An example of this can be seen in two older pieces of English literature: Beowulf, written circa 750-900, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written circa 1375-1400. These stories both have a main character that possesses heroic qualities, many of which are very similar. Gawain's identity as a hero is not clearly demonstrated, but when compared with Beowulf, who is demonstrated to be a hero, hiss merits earn him that title as well. Exactly what defines a heroic act, or a hero for that matter? Often times we dismiss the question due to its complex nature. But when confronted with an individual with heroic qualities we readily identify them as a hero. So what set of traits makes up this amorphous definition that we call hero? I would agree that the very definition is one that is dependent upon the time and society in which its context is being used. A person who shot someone to save the life of another may be viewed as a hero under the scrutiny of one culture, but in a different time or location the very opposite may be true. Nevertheless, heroes exist and posses these ever changing heroic qualities. Beowulf is clearly demonstrated to be a hero, and we can observe the qualities he possesses to enable him to have that title. While Sir Gawain's heroic accomplishments are a little more debatable, I would argue that he deserves the same title; he exudes qualities which can be considered heroic in the context of Arthurian Legend as well as today. Although we can attribute no authorship to Beowulf or Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, we can see that Beowulf was meant to be a hero and if nothing else, Gawain was portrayed as the story's protagonist. One such way this was done was by having neither of the main characters as all powerful rulers; in fact each Beowulf and Gawain served some sort of higher authority. Beowulf, throughout approximately 2/3 of the story serves Hrothgar. Similarly, Gawain was not ruler of his domain but served King Arthur. It is important to note that while both served other men, they were not themselves servants. Beowulf traveled from his land to assist in the destruction of Grendel, and Gawain chose to be a knight of the Round Table and indeed viewed his service to Arthur and his kingdom as an honor. By the construct of having both main characters serve others, the author has created more capacity for heroism to become apparent. If the President of the United States were to prevent nuclear war, the people would obviously be relieved and grateful that he fulfilled his duty. If a soldier on the field accomplished the same task, he would be regarded as a true hero. Transcending one's traditional role and going above and beyond is a characteristic which helps to set heroes apart from other people. Sir Gawain goes above and beyond his role when declaring his intention to battle the Green Knight. â€Å"I would come to your counsel before your court noble. /For I find it not fit, as in faith it is known, /When such a boon is begged before all these knights, /Though you be tempted thereto, to take it on yourself† (lines 347-350) King Arthur at this point had already accepted the challenge, yet Gawain decided to take his place because he was aware of the danger and risk involved in letting the King fight. He admits just a few lines later that â€Å"I am the weakest, well I know, and of wit feeblest; /And the loss of my life would be least of any;† (lines 354-355) This indication that is ability to fight is low makes his decision to fight that much more heroic, and this is all done in the name of Arthur. Beowulf, on the other hand, does not have an issue of inferior strength, but quite the opposite- he seems to posses a sort of superhuman strength. Even so, his level of self restraint and wisdom prevents him from overthrowing Hrothgar despite his superior abilities. This amount of loyalty and service is a trait that helps develop his character even further as a hero. Both Gawain and Beowulf having been in similar instances serving a higher authority have shown heroic qualities although they may have differed. While the two main characters in discussion are being portrayed as heroes, they are still human and have fallibilities. It is the dynamic experience, the rise and fall of these characters which makes them real and human, that shows what they are truly made of. This insight may prove to be disappointing or disheartening for many, I find the revelation to be comforting as it reasserts that a hero isn't an idyllic state but a condition which can be humanly attained. Beowulf's rise and fall is demonstrated rather clearly throughout the progression of the story. At his peak, he kills Grendel with his bare hands. In the second encounter with Grendel's mother he is victorious, but requires the use of armor and the sword Hrunting. As time passes, he becomes king. He helps to slay the dragon that is terrorizing the land with the assistance of Wiglaf and his men, but at the cost of his life. This failure of his strength is foreshadowed earlier by Hrothgar, â€Å"Choose dear Beowulf, the better part, /eternal rewards. Don't give way to pride. /For a brief while your strength is in bloom/ but it fades quickly† (lines 1759-1762). Beowulf's wisdom, which he relies on throughout the story even diminishes as he faces the dragon, as shown when he elects to strike first by himself with full knowledge that his strength is not as great as it used to be. Another interesting point is that while in the service is Hrothgar is heroic qualities shown through but when he became leader, he was still a hero but many of the qualities such as his wisdom and strength in this instance have decreased. Likewise to Beowulf, Gawain experiences a rise and fall. His circumstance is slightly different than Beowulf's however. Gawain's worthiness to even be named a hero is often put into question, and his final deeds tend to overshadow the previous ones when that consideration is made. This is an unfair judgment as no one would rescind Beowulf's status as a hero because of his pride blinding his judgment towards the end of his life, but would still consider him a hero because of his previous heroic actions. The same is true of Sir Gawain. Near the end of the story when he thinks he will die and flinches when the ax is coming down on his neck, he's viewed as a coward. I'll concede that it was a cowardly thing to do, but then I'm forced to ask the rhetorical question, â€Å"What would you do? † Moments later, Gawain recomposes himself, doesn't flinch and gets nicked. Of course, one could argue that Gawain is a coward disguised as a hero because of his protest to the Green Knight claiming his debt is paid, and that he decided to use the green girdle. First of all, Gawain spends the rest of his days lamenting his decision to use the girdle, so he isn't ignorant of what he as done. Secondly, there is absolutely nothing heroic about dying without a cause, which is what would have been the case had the Green Knight carried out his threat. I see no harm done in preparing oneself for an encounter such as the one he went through. We often laude heroes for their cunning in wisdom, so why should those same traits in Gawain be looked upon negatively? While there are many more facets to declaring someone a hero, these are a few that both Beowulf and Gawain share. Beowulf demonstrates that its namesake is a man who is supposed to be regarded as a hero. This same intent is not made in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, but when the two are compared with each other, Sir Gawain is shown to be a hero, not a simple coward that he may initially appear to be.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Flipping Burgers

Five days out of the week, I walk into work. I put on my employee shirt, my apron, my visor, and I get to work. I have the pleasure of making a ton of pizzas for 8 hours straight, no I am not necessarily ‘fond’ of it, but I do it because it gets me by and pays my bills. Sure I would love to be in some upscale restaurant, but I a least have a job, and I do not take it for granted. Many people would prefer to not have my job; it’s a minimum wage, fast pace, difficult customer environment. But it is an opportunity that is not beneath my dignity, so to that, I quote Charles J.Sykes, in his article called ‘Life rules for Teenagers, â€Å"Flipping Burgers in not beneath your dignity†. I could not agree more with him. Millions of United States workers are employed at a fast food restaurant. Many Americans are probably working in two or more of them at one time, just to get by. They also realize that flipping burgers isn’t below their dignity, having n o job and living off of others should be below ones dignity. Every day I see people on the streets, begging for money. Yes, everyone has their reasons, but everyone is capable or picking their selves up and applying for jobs.You can always advance in the job you have, you gain experience, and once you have enough experience you can apply for higher jobs and get further up the chain. It just takes a bit of hard work in some low paying jobs. For many people, their first jobs are in a fast food place, and it is just a stepping stone. Many work their way through school and then once they graduate, they are able to find jobs in their degree. Others find that they love working in fast food and end up owning them or managing more than just one store.A lot of fast food restaurants offer benefits and are always giving the opportunity for raises, only good things come from hard work. You never know where you will go when you first start a minimum wage job, but you know it will all be worth it in the end. You are getting yourself somewhere, and can be proud of that. One of my first jobs was working at a Quizno’s, there I also had to wear an apron and visor, I was 16 when I first got that job and might I say it was one of the easiest jobs I have ever had.Back when I did not have any responsibilities and whatever money I earned, I just got to pocket it. All I had to do every day, was make sandwiches and run register. Half way through my shift I always got a free sandwich and at the end of the day we always got to take home cookies or left over bread. How could anyone take that for granted? I did. I hated working there, thought it was so hard and embarrassing making sandwiches for other people, but now I realize how crazy I was for thinking that way.The other day I was talking with some friends and telling them about the paper I had to write. I told them the rule I chose, and one of them piped up saying â€Å"it is definitely below my dignity! †; She lives at home with her parents, pays no bills, and doesn’t work. She is naive and obviously doesn’t have a clue of what it means to have an opportunity. There are so many other people who also think that way. They also do not appreciate what is just kind fully handed to them. Others work so hard to just have half of what they have.I wish there was a way to imprint into every ones minds, to appreciate what they have. So tomorrow, I shall go into work and put on my uniform and work hard, because I personally know that making pizzas is not all that I have in store for my life, I am working and paying my way through school and although I dread heading to work every day I know that I am helping my future and preparing myself for other difficult, low paying jobs further in life. No one should ever take a job for granted or be embarrassed for what they do; they should always look at it as an opportunity.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

If you could change one thing about your childhood, what would it be and why?

There are many things that I wish I could change about my childhood but one thing in particular stands out when I recall some of my childhood memories. The one thing I would change is not to become a mother at the age of fifteen.Although, at such a young age I thought I was ready for the responsibility, I quickly found out that I in fact was not. What I didn’t bank on was the hard work it would take to be a parent when I was only a child myself. I did not take into consideration that I was too young to gain employment and all the things I had to give up.Most teenage girls believe that the guy will stick with you and help take care of the child but they don’t realize that the guy is too immature and not ready to settle down and give up â€Å"hanging time† with his buddies. The girl is usually left to handle the situation; along with her parents alone and broke. In some cases, the parents refuse to help out, so the girl is left to deal with the situation alone. I w as forced to quit school and stay home to care for the baby, thus, leaving me lonely, broke, and without a high school diploma.I had to put my dreams on hold and focus on raising a child. I didn’t even get to attend prom or hang out with my friends, because I was always broke and had no babysitter. On rare occasions my parents would babysit and I would get to have fun but not like the father of the child did. He was free to hang out with his friends every weekend, go to prom, and graduate high school. I felt this was unfair and eventually ended up resenting him for it and I resented myself for allowing him to put me in this position.However, I realized it wasn’t only his fault and I could have made better choices. Being a teenage mother was very hard but also rewarding. I was the one who got to witness all of my sons’ firsts and I was the one who he learned to depend on and trust. Along the way, I learned  some valuable lessons and made many mistakes but I bec ame very mature in the ways of the world and life may have handed me some apple but I was the one who chose to make applesauce instead of letting the apples ruin.

Effects of violent media on children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Effects of violent media on children - Essay Example One of the most significant effects of violent media, especially movies, on children is that some of them develop a lack of horror at any form of violence that they witness. This creates a situation where children are more likely to act violently in the belief that doing so is a normal part of life. Furthermore, there are instances where children, instead of behaving in a normal manner, will end up attempting to emulate their heroes in violent movies. This might go to such an extent that they end up causing harm or serious injuries not only to other children but also to themselves. There have been reports that some children, being more likely to imitate the actions that they seen in movies than adults, begin displaying violent tendencies from an early age with some being reported to have stabbed their friend in what seemed to be normal play (Elizabeth & Morton, 2008). The effect of violence in movies is often a long term among children and this should be a matter of great concern for all individuals in the society because it means that children in coming generations, if still exposed to such content, are most likely to be increasingly violent. Children, when they see violent content in movies, often have a hard time differentiating what is real from what is not and this creates a dilemma where it is impossible for them to make proper decisions about whether their actions are right or wrong in real life. There are instances where children who have been exposed to a lot of violent movies tend to react in the same manner as those individuals who have post traumatic stress disorder. This is such that children end up feeling as if the violence that is being meted out on the characters in the movies is actually being done on them. The result is that many of them begin displaying symptoms which are normally associated with those children or individuals who are living in abusive

Monday, October 7, 2019

Romania Risk Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Romania Risk Assessment - Assignment Example The new state which is now Romania gained independence in 1877 from the traditional Ottoman Empire. The economy of the country is anchored on services and production of different electric energy and machines with some of the key companies being OMV Petron and Automobile Dacia. Currently the country is regarded as upper-middle income with a super high human development index. Despite the continuous growth in the country, there are a number of challenges and risks that the nation faces that it should deal with to see a continuous growth of the economy and cohesion amongst the people. ("Romania: Risk ratings", 2010, Business Europe, 2010) 3 Romania is located on the South East of Central Europe. It border black sea between Ukraine and Bulgaria. The country which is 92,043 sq. miles in area size also borders Serbia, Hungary and Moldova. Romania has a population of roughly 20 million with a temperate continental climate. The country’s largest city, Bucharest is the sixth largest city in terms of size and population within the European Union. Romania is within the traditional territories of the former Roman province of Dacia. It was formed in 1859 via a unique personal union of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia. The new state which is now Romania gained independence in 1877 from the traditional Ottoman Empire. The economy of the country is anchored on services and production of different electric energy and machines with some of the key companies being OMV Petron and Automobile Dacia. Currently the country is regarded as upper-middle income with a super high human development index. Despite the continuou s growth in the country, there are a number of challenges and risks that the nation faces that it should deal with to see a continuous growth of the economy and cohesion amongst the people. ("Romania: Risk ratings", 2010, Business Europe, 2010) Risk is the potential loss of something of value. When it is not handled

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 26

Psychology - Essay Example Cognitive therapy helps in changing and reconstructing faulty thought processes while shaping them into a more organized form and behavioral therapy helps in modifying and improving an individuals problematic behaviors and actions. Together, the task of the therapy is to understand the interrelation and the workings of emotions, behaviors and thoughts as well as the impact that these components may have over the events in an individuals life. The main purpose of cognitive therapy is to enable the person to be aware of the thought pattern that is resulting into psychological distress and also the behavior that is reinforcing the distress. It aims to correct the psychological problems through giving an entire outlook to the causes of distress. CBT understands the thoughts and experiences of the person and works with the person in getting to the depth of the problem. (Whitfield & Davidson, 2007) Some criticisms of CBT are related to the view that merely telling the client that something is not true is not likely to make the person feel that way. This would not necessarily change the belief that a person has. However, counter arguments show that CBT psychologists do not just tell the person that a certain view is wrong; they help the client explore these themselves. There is a new perspective in the idea of dissociative disorder after the 1980s, after which the condition received more theoretical as well as clinical attention from psychologists and psychiatrists. Dissociative disorders can be described as conditions that involve breakdown of ones perception of his or her surroundings, identity, memory or consciousness. According to the American Psychiatric Associations DSM VI, there are four forms of dissociative disorders including dissociative amnesia, dissociative identity disorder (Formerly called multiple personality disorder), dissociative fugue and depersonalization disorder. Dissociative amnesia

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Assess the moral arguments and political actions of those who opposed Essay

Assess the moral arguments and political actions of those who opposed to the spread of slavery in the context of the mexican war and the Kansas-Nebraska act - Essay Example The Kansas-Nebraska act also pushed the country into civil war and divided the nation into two factions. The act also gave rise to a new Republican Party arguing abolishment of slavery. The arguments of Republicans against slavery were based on morality. Republicans treated everyone equally and considered freedom the most basic right. Lincoln said in his famous Lincoln-Douglas Debate â€Å"I agree with Judge Douglas he is not my equal in many respects—certainly not in color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment. But in the right to eat the bread, without the leave of anybody else, which his own hand earns, he is my equal and the equal of Judge Douglas, and the equal of every living man† (Lincoln). It is important to note that those who opposed slavery were not in favor of total social equality between people of all races. However they believed that blacks were also humans and they should be treated with respect. Lincoln was actually afraid that popular sentiment would be in favor of slavery and then it would be impossible to demolish the institution of slavery from America for ever. The moral arguments of Republicans were not ideal but still they provided room for some sort of acceptance of blacks. They were saying that blacks were not equal but this does not mean that their freedom should be taken away. Social equality was not argued but practicality and humanity was made basis for abolishment of slavery. The famous poet James Russell Lowell called those people slaves who did not dare to speak for the weak (344). He was a poet who was strongly against slavery and his poems reflected his passion towards abolishment of slavery. He considered slavery immoral and devoted his poetry against it. Wilmot Proviso can be seen as an attempt to curb the spread of slavery and mitigate differences between pro and anti slavery politicians. It was presented by a Democrat David Wilmot and the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Case Studies (Laura Martin) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case Studies (Laura Martin) - Research Paper Example In the DCF analysis, the Net Present value has been calculated as the present value of the future net free cash inflows or the revenue of the business, minus the expenses, or the present value of the costs incurred (Mauboussin, 5). In most cases, these two are discounted using the company’s WACC (Stearns, 29). This assumption though made by Laura Martin is a flawed assumption. Mainly, free cash flows depend on the demand in the market, prices in the market, and other external factors in the market, with the market compensating firms; because of taking marketing risks (Chan et al, 3). In most cases, costs should be discounted at a rate higher than the risk free rate (Stearns, 3). This means that discounting the cash flows and the costs at similar rates will significantly reduce the costs; such actions would lead to overhaul of the firm (Chen et al, 3). Martin in these calculations used the beta approach, which measures the co-movements of firms’s equity prices of 1.07 in forecasting 10 years of cash flows in the market and which is affected by so many market variables (Mauboussin, 16). However, equity prices are unstable and change each time depending market business conditions. The multiple analyses assumed that the firm would realize the stated future sales revenue at the end of the forecast period (Chen et al, 3). Firms that have comparable acquisitions, particular in the same industry are used as a base in finding an appropriate range of multiples to use (Stearns, 24). Though multiples are very plausible, they have a problem in that there is no possibility of having a company that is comparable to Cox as firms do use various valuation approaches.. The ‘stealth- Tier’ can be incorporated into the DCF and the multiples analysis. The unused cable capacity of Cox communications can be included into the discounted cash flow analysis, through